- ergosnap - Custom split ergonomic keyboard
- gameboy - Nintendo Gameboy and hardware documentation written in literate
C, including custom literate programming tool written in Python (you can see
the generated document here).
- gbcap - Migen hardware design to capture Gameboy LCD output using an
- sump-dump - Simple, single-file, C client for logic analysers which
support the SUMP protocol. Developed as a lightweight way to dump traces from
a Papilio Pro running the OpenBench Logic Sniffer firmware.
- evm-sym - Ethereum Virtual Machine symbolic execution engine, written in
Python using the Z3 solver.
- feedsdb - Single-file Python RSS/Atom feed aggregator and "newspaper" PDF
- svn-escape - Convert a Subversion repository to a git fast-import stream
efficiently. Works with huge repositories.
- joykey - Super simple tool to convert joystick inputs to X11 key presses.
No frills.
- image-dedup - No frills image deduplication tool.